Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Best Exercises for Gaining or Losing Size

The Best Exercise for Gaining Size:

Knife and Fork Curls. Perform at least 100 reps per day. This exercise is best performed with a heavy load of meat, vegetables and non-processed varieties of carbohydrates. Assistance work includes high rep Milk Curls and everything you do in the gym.

Today I'll be demonstrating the Knife and Fork Curl using a meat pie for my load. An oft' kept secret in Australia is that if you eat a meat pie now, that'll be the end of it. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will kill you.

 Step 1. Put knife and fork in hands.

 Step 2. Insert fork into food and cut off the chunk of food around the fork.

Step 3. Initiate curl by pulling fork towards face.

Step 4. Insert into mouth.
Make sure you get this right. You don't want to miss a rep and let your efforts go in vain.

The Best Exercise for Losing Size:

Push Aways. Perform for either reps or a 1RM daily. This exercise is best performed with cupcakes, ice cream or bagels. Performance with the same loads used for Knife and Fork Curls is not recommended. Assistance work includes moderate rep Knife and Fork Curls, moderate rep Milk Curls and everything you do in the gym.

I will demonstrate the push away using an icing-encrusted bun.

Step 1. Push

Step 2. ....Away.

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