Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rejoice Against Spot Reduction

Infomericals are hilarious. There are multiple infomercial stations available on free-to-air TV here in Australia, and on occasion I get my guilty pleasure out of watching them. This is my current favourite:

I mention infomercials because they are a major culprit in the "spot reduction" sensation. Most fitness experts will tell you that spot reduction doesn't work, and at this point in time I stand with the majority. But there are still a lot of people who believe in spot reduction.

When fitness experts consult with new clients who believe in spot reduction, the tendency (as far as I've observed) is to explain to these new clients the disappointing fact that spot reduction doesn't work.

And this is where I find myself puzzled.

If spot reduction doesn't work, then what does work? Losing fat everywhere, of course. The "disappointing" news is that if you want to lose fat off your stomach, you're going to have to lose fat off your hips, back, thighs and arms, too. But wait, why is that disappointing? Isn't that something to be excited about?

I mean, think about it. Instead of just losing fat on your stomach, taking a couple inches off your midsection will also make you lost fat off your hips, back, thighs and arms! That's killing five birds with one stone!

This is good news!!!

I, for one, am glad that spot reduction doesn't (appear to) work -- if it did, that would make fat loss a whole lot more complicated and harder to achieve across the whole body. The possibility of spot reduction opens up the possibility of losing fat disproportionately, and ultimately looking ridiculous. Just try imagining someone with a narrow waist and 40 inch arms. Not the most charming of ideas, is it?


  1. But you must understand people only carry fat on their stomachs, so spot training is incredibly important!
    To see peoples standard requests it would be easy to imagine this were true. It is of course total boar locks but if people weren't stupid enough to believe this think how much gyms would have to charge when only those attending them paid fees.
    I have known so many who are members at gyms as if that magically makes them fitter. One even had member at health club on her CV, and hadn't seen the inside of it in almost a year.

    Truth, of course that body will burn from everywhere, some of that will be internal fat stored around vital organs, not pretty to see disappearing but pretty important none the less.

    1. I still have membership cards from multiple gyms that I am no longer a member of. Each card adds 10% to my 1RMs and allows me to run an extra km. True story. I often wonder how much visceral fat I've got.


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